Tag Archives: flash fiction

Young God in Gym Class

Young God in Gym Class


Young God pulls his Dream Team from a roadside culvert, spins Lucifer from cornsilk—because not having a favorite is beyond even God’s young powers.more

Three Stories

Three Stories


I can tell by the elliptical pupils—its cat eyes. The single mother is right. This snake is a viper. more

Look What You Made Me Do

Look What You Made Me Do


In the kitchen, Leta puts on dishwashing gloves, pulls a plastic bag from under the sink. In the backyard twilight, she scoops the cat carcass up, dumps it in the bag. The intestines coil at the bottom like a glistening snake. Behind her, Jack shifts in his pen, catching the scent of blood again, and she hisses at him, a warning. She ties the bag tight, shivers, holds it to her chest. Where to put it now? more

I Hope You Know I Love You, Even Though

I Hope You Know I Love You, Even Though


…even though you like to win; even though you tricked me, telling me it would just be the two of us, but when we got to the restaurant, Georgia was there (and though it was the first time I ever saw her, I recognized her, her smile as sharp as a hook)…more

Two Stories by Dog Cavanaugh

Two Stories by Dog Cavanaugh


If you’re willing to pay for it, in that part of the country you can have a person’s entire bedroom set along with all their clothes incinerated with the body. more

Mermaid and Seaworm

Mermaid and Seaworm


She said her hair was red as blood, and he said it already was the color of a penny and he liked to picture it the way it was.more

Barmaley Fountain

Barmaley Fountain


In his mind, he goes to a place where he holds the hands of his school chums as they laugh and run in a circle, a snapping crocodile at the center of their daisy chain of limbs. His cousin, Elizabeth, just misses losing her black shoe in the snapping jaws and the children laugh. more

Two Stories

Two Stories


We’re at it again. On our weekly phone call. Me at the bottom of the world. Her, near the top.more

Some things that happened after Derrick woke up his girlfriend at 3 a.m. to watch Too Many Cooks

Some things that happened after Derrick woke up his girlfriend at 3 a.m. to watch Too Many Cooks


Derrick (me) felt a little less scared about the future and life in general thanks to a bunch of the little creepy appearances of the killer in the background of Too Many Cooks like when he’s on the stairs in the background of the family photo near the beginning and no one notices he ismore

How We Got Here

How We Got Here


He’d felt the particular ache of a thing compressedmore