K is on the receiving end of a fart lighting incident out at the old quarry and we get him down to ER as quick as we can.… More
K is on the receiving end of a fart lighting incident out at the old quarry and we get him down to ER as quick as we can.… More
“Have a great weekend,” the pharmacy tech says and I look down at my recycled bag with a month’s supply of Tamsulosin in a sack with bran cereal and unsweetened coconut milk and reconcile her statement with the times I’d heard it while toting bags of chips and 30 packs of Genny Cream, then walk a few steps from the pharmacy counter and linger because John Cougar Mellencamp has just come on overhead.… More
Hole punched through the roof and a gunner’s mount bolted on, allowing a junior Marine to poke his head out and swivel around behind a big ass gun. Close to a hundred pounds and barrel almost four feet long. Teenagers with that kind of firepower make a lot of dick jokes.… More
When she shook him in the bed, she knew right away: this was no sleep. No, this was something more serious than sleep. This was death. Heavy as a bear.… More
Gay sex, by definition, is transgressive. We fuck until we die, and if we’re lucky, the sex will be our protest, the one too loud to ignore.… More
Zeppo turned around sharply, ready to strangle whatever he saw; there was orange madness in his eyes, even after he had recognized me as his brother. It was then I realized that, if pushed, he would do what he would to survive.… More
My friend Billy was the price. It still feels odd to call him a friend. Friends do not stab each other the way I drove a blade into his back that afternoon.… More
Tyson found the soap sepulchered in the basement closet: a dozen Dove bars packaged solo, each ivory as starlight. With his pocketknife, he slit one from its cardboard coffin and inhaled his mother’s skin-scent.… More
You lose count of the men you lose. Dozens die, some even by their own hand. At night in the club, you and the men stand, drink in hand, retelling tales of lost companions. After laughs and toasts, you all sing “Old Blue,” a folk ballad about a faithful dog. “Hey Blue, you’re a good dog, you.”… More
I did not know what rape meant and she did not tell me. But she did want to know where I had heard the word.… More
I’m reading Ephesians. It’s so good, I think. I’m not entirely sure. I haven’t had time to read it, but it feels important. Blaise Pascal says there is an empty space in the human heart that only God can fill. That is so true. I agree. I underline.… More