Category Archives: FICTION


A Substitute for Violence

A Substitute for Violence


He was cranky because he couldn’t do shit, and he was never one to smile much. He was good at killing men, hated killing time. Where he took pleasure was walking down the sidewalk knowing people he’d never met thought he was a mean old man. Hell, he’d been a mean young one, no reason to change now.more

Lifetime Drive

Lifetime Drive


Deron’s studied to be a used car dealer. Not just any shyster, though. He’s made it his life’s goal to obtain the Ultimate Customer Satisfaction rating by J.D. Power. Someone emits a bubbly fart. The flatulence lingers and the two men sniff, then cough. They’ve known each other long enough and the stakes are too high.more

The Throwaways

The Throwaways


Numbers and names littered the backside of the shade, the only log of the burials in existence. It seemed to cast a shadow that swallowed the light and sucked the air from the room, making it hard to breathe. He located Grace Atkinson’s mother’s gravesite in the exact spot where the bucket truck was parked, the shovel set to gouge the earth and deposit the remains in a hill of dust and bones.more

Two Stories

Two Stories


George is anti-gun. He’s anti-faith, despite once brimming with it. He once put his hand on my shoulder and said, I’m just glad that you and I aren’t toxic males. I laughed and said, Speak for yourself, and things have been off between us since.more




I’ve always wanted to have ancestors who would tell me what to do. A rough Irishman with a leathery face. A stout German with a simple, but unshakable worldview. But I only had a father, and he was mostly absent, and he died when I was a teenager. And so I read about Winston Churchill.more

Sins of the Fathers

Sins of the Fathers


Maybe Uncle Kev saw himself in the prophets. Or as one of them. A middle-aged bachelor, former heavyweight boxer, dabbling in spirituality, painting his nails, sewing dresses. Transitioning. Maybe he was broken, too.more

Home Ec

Home Ec


My father, who worked on and off part-time as a salesman, plying anything from vacuum cleaners to Better-than-Brillo, wore oversized shoes because he thought it gave him an advantage. Later on I learned that there was some kind of correlation between large feet and penis sizes. Did he know this? Was he going door-to-door and showing off these shoes in order to both mesmerize and conjure unsatisfied women? I don’t know.more

The Second Generation, Then the Third

The Second Generation, Then the Third


I said to my wife on our first date, I’m not a nice guy. She says, Yes you are. I say, No, really, I’m not. She says, I’ll make you into a nice guy. I say, You can’t stuff two pounds of broken bones into a one-pound bag. Some people hurt too much. She says, I’ll make you into a nice guy.more

They Say Crying Is Good For You, But I Find It Depressing

They Say Crying Is Good For You, But I Find It Depressing


The bench he sits on is old. It is not well built. The wood it’s made from hasn’t smoothed over time, but has instead splintered. He wonders if it will be replaced when it is worn through past use. He looks at his hands, arthritis gnarled, and decides that he doesn’t care.more




Instead of some magic mushrooms hidden in clumps of cheap milk chocolate, I found a shoebox labeled broth with a little plunger and some bands and, beneath them, a packet of information that told me it was a foreskin stretcher. more