Tag Archives: flash fiction

Born Storyteller

Born Storyteller


The first time Mary Pat overheard Freebird mention how he lost his leg, he sat on the far side of the front porch with Miss Mildred who’d been widowed early in her marriage to a WWII marine. They watched squirrels gather twigs to build their nests in the poplar tree across from Silver Oaks Retirement Community’s parking lot.more

a reply in five sonnets, which are not sonnets, or even poems, & whatever this is—a rant? a screed? a manifesto against you leaving me & entering an MFA program?—it is not easily divisible into five sections

a reply in five sonnets, which are not sonnets, or even poems, & whatever this is—a rant? a screed? a manifesto against you leaving me & entering an MFA program?—it is not easily divisible into five sections


I love you like the first sip of White Claw / the last toke on a spliff / but without you I’m an unloved TikTok dance / a husked soul with spaghetti arms / open & ready for you / so take me back / the viraless meme that I am.more

Four Strings

Four Strings


Daddy said I need to defend the house now that I’m the man and if I put a sock over this bat, the bad guys grab the sock but not the bat. See? Then I can bash em.more

Two Stories

Two Stories


They call you the “Flying Squirrel.” It’s a stupid moniker, one you used to try to drop. Back when you cared about those kinds of things. You used to care about a lot of things you’ve sacrificed over the years, along with your pride, your relationship with your son, and plenty of your brain cells.more

Three Stories

Three Stories


A mad woman doesn’t know what she is doing or thinking, I know, so don’t bracket me, I hissed. I don’t open my mouth because it has the garbage of the world that the oceans have left behind, the kind that can choke blue whales and leave them on the shores like impossible spectacles.more

Sunspots on a Calendar Week

Sunspots on a Calendar Week


When you see two people fucking, with a capital F—really sharing the spoils the way it should be—who cares if the Company has gathered at three o’clock on a Monday to hear the top dog give his all-hands spiel? You look, godammit, and you probably laugh. That’s the human thing to do.more

My Daddy Issues Drove Me to the Monastery

My Daddy Issues Drove Me to the Monastery


I wondered if I was the first monk to sneak out to strip clubs. I mean, no one was perfect. Every monk had their thing. Harry always took two desserts instead of one. Miles slept through his pancake shift on the weekend. Phil took like eight paper towels when he dried his hands in the bathroom. But the first monk to sneak off to strip clubs?more

Trauma Bonds

Trauma Bonds


My family had been killed; yours had lived. But there was pressure in that, that grateful weight.more

Two Flash Fictions

Two Flash Fictions


The CEO of our company is a serial killer. All my coworkers adore him.more

Wilson Koewing

Wilson Koewing

BULL Interview by

I didn’t sit down with the intention of writing a dark book. My goal with this book was pretty simple, stark realism. These are the people that I know and that I meet, and these are the problems that I see or that I hear about or that I’ve had or that I’ve witnessed. And while yeah, it’s fucking dark, I feel like life is pretty dark.more