Writer: Christopher Linforth

a reply in five sonnets, which are not sonnets, or even poems, & whatever this is—a rant? a screed? a manifesto against you leaving me & entering an MFA program?—it is not easily divisible into five sections

a reply in five sonnets, which are not sonnets, or even poems, & whatever this is—a rant? a screed? a manifesto against you leaving me & entering an MFA program?—it is not easily divisible into five sections


I love you like the first sip of White Claw / the last toke on a spliff / but without you I’m an unloved TikTok dance / a husked soul with spaghetti arms / open & ready for you / so take me back / the viraless meme that I am.more

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Did you hear Alex is into Black men now? He lost his job? He’s joined up with some TERFs in the UK & is pitching articles to The Guardian. Who was ever even friends with Alex? He’s so insecure. So Indiana.more

Father’s Day

Father’s Day


The women had left us when the heatwave began. At dusk, they had buried their heartjars in the earth and walked away. A line of women, mothers and wives, drifted through the valley. more