Tag Archives: Cars

Oncoming Traffic

Oncoming Traffic


She tells me I’m sweet. My ex used to call me sweet when she wanted something. There are two things I can’t stand. Shoveling snow and being called sweet. I hate the last one more, but it’s not so bad in this weather. And it’s not so bad when the right woman says it and all you did was get her a bottle of water.more

Two Stories

Two Stories


In which we remember Chuck Kinder with madcap glee. Hey Honeymooners!more

Protections and Coverages

Protections and Coverages


His right eye had suffered a devastating wound. The organ was white, almost totally without iris or pupil, and angry lines of blood snaked across its surface. It looked as if someone had tried to remove it and failed.more

The Tap

The Tap


A lustful boys follows a bloodlusting girl down dark roads and through empty fields in search of a man, any man, to satisfy her thirst for revenge. But when she forces him to step up, he finds that violence is not within his repertoire, and notions of power and control are inverted. more