If Fred had been a female, he would’ve had a sensual stride and mysterious gaze; sadly, his elegance and charm were wasted on the body of a male, his pudgy belly protruding in a way that screamed domesticity.… more
If Fred had been a female, he would’ve had a sensual stride and mysterious gaze; sadly, his elegance and charm were wasted on the body of a male, his pudgy belly protruding in a way that screamed domesticity.… more
Traveling Mexico has its own challenges. So why do I always want to crank the danger up to 11?… more
“He twisted and rolled the pebble between his fingers, staring straight ahead at the black pig, lying tied to a post sunk in bone grey dirt in the middle of the field… more
“There were tons of campus e-mails sent to us students about a guy mutilating animals around town. He was to be avoided at all costs… more