Tag Archives: Horror

Two Stories

Two Stories


If Fred had been a female, he would’ve had a sensual stride and mysterious gaze; sadly, his elegance and charm were wasted on the body of a male, his pudgy belly protruding in a way that screamed domesticity.more

Look What You Made Me Do

Look What You Made Me Do


In the kitchen, Leta puts on dishwashing gloves, pulls a plastic bag from under the sink. In the backyard twilight, she scoops the cat carcass up, dumps it in the bag. The intestines coil at the bottom like a glistening snake. Behind her, Jack shifts in his pen, catching the scent of blood again, and she hisses at him, a warning. She ties the bag tight, shivers, holds it to her chest. Where to put it now? more




“He was aware of the physical world, but from a distance, as if he had plunged into a deep hole. He no longer conceived of either his hand or the receiver; he only sensed, wordlessly, that a distant part of himself stood in contact with an object, and that object should be used for destruction.more