Gay sex, by definition, is transgressive. We fuck until we die, and if we’re lucky, the sex will be our protest, the one too loud to ignore.… more
Gay sex, by definition, is transgressive. We fuck until we die, and if we’re lucky, the sex will be our protest, the one too loud to ignore.… more
Buster and Buddy, the inseparable pair. “Look,” people would say, “There goes Buster and Buddy.” At least that was how whoever gave them their nicknames imagined it at the outset, when they were still too young for the outlines of who they would be to come into focus.… more
Something I learned from Robert was what foolishness it is to take yourself out of situations where you might get close to people just so you don’t hurt anyone. Pain is like life.… more
Aaron was the one who was married, who wanted to be discreet. Brice was the one who was new to town, who wanted to make friends. Chris was the one who posted photos of his chest and arms, never his face. Doug was the one who posted photos of everyone, of his brother, niece, cat.… more
It was what they had both wanted. Pulsing club music. Alan’s hands on the man’s hips. A bright smile with a wicked hook. When they kissed, it had been more like crashing. Collision.… more
William didn’t need keys to successfully steal his mother’s navy blue Camaro. He knew how to hotwire it in ten seconds flat and lived for the jolt of electricity that shot through his body every time the engine roared without a fuss.… more
I had dreams that a boyfriend would mean an 8 x10 photograph framed and on the mantle, whether there was an actual mantle, it did not matter.… more