
Tag Archives: fatherhood

My Daughter, Myself

My Daughter, Myself


It has been a hard year, or so your new therapist likes to say, filling the silence in her small office, two padded chairs facing one another over a small table, after you’ve spilled some new petty frustration about the kids, your girlfriend, your life. She sips her water and peers over at you kindly.more

Real Men Don’t Hit Their Wives

Real Men Don’t Hit Their Wives


Lewis relishes, slightly and mischievously, the young couple’s naïve discourse about bridesmaids and flower centerpieces, as if it all means something. They are blissfully unaware of the inevitable mutual loathing that plagues all marriages.

She’s your problem now, Benny-boy. Enjoy paying for Amazon deliveries the rest of your life.more

Alternate Route Suggested

Alternate Route Suggested


Kenny was twenty-one when his son was born, and now at twenty-two, he regularly revised the last several months, envisioning himself as an author of the choose your own adventure books he read when he was younger.more

How We Got Here

How We Got Here


He’d felt the particular ache of a thing compressedmore

Trot Trot to Boston

Trot Trot to Boston


My wife’s mother has been with us for nearly a week. Our first few days home with our son were tough and we asked if she would fly in from the east. The request, we both agreed days before her arrival, was premature, erupting out of the seething stress following two nights in hospital aftermore

The Bass

The Bass


I know I can get better if I want to. Everybody can get better if they want to.   At the Duck Thru the black ladies are talking ‘bout the Bradley man that used to be sheriff in Halifax County. He killed himself yesterday. Melissa’s rescue squad was called out to it. They say hemore

One Hundred Twenty Sunny Nights

One Hundred Twenty Sunny Nights


Before I left Illinois, I told Julie I needed to do this once, meaning Antarctica, not adultery. More and more I don’t know what I want in this world.more




I don’t believe what they said happened in that Burger King, in that motel room. Whatever was, there must have been a moment when a word, a breath’s work, would have mattered.more

Learning the Pig

Learning the Pig


“He twisted and rolled the pebble between his fingers, staring straight ahead at the black pig, lying tied to a post sunk in bone grey dirt in the middle of the fieldmore

I Have Always Been Here Before

I Have Always Been Here Before


“I am scared that some government agency is going to come take the baby away from me. He is not, after all, minemore