Tag Archives: Alison Gaylin

William Boyle

William Boyle

BULL Interview by

I always start with character and place. I put the characters in desperate situations, usually in my part of southern Brooklyn, and see what develops from there. There’s drama just in watching lives unfold. The natural drama of being alive. Throw some secrets and lies and betrayals into the mix and shit gets amped up.more

William Boyle

William Boyle

BULL Interview by

In a lot of ways, it’s what I dreamed about as a kid in Brooklyn who wanted anything other than cracks in the sidewalk and bus rides and trash in the streets and my decaying neighborhood. I’ve made a lot of great friends down here Oxford. The other side of it is I’ll never quite feel like I belong. I have this ache for New York, which will always be my home, and I miss it and I love it and I hate it.more