Jared is going to shoot a pig from a helicopter, probably more than one, and I’m going to hear about it forever.… more
Jared is going to shoot a pig from a helicopter, probably more than one, and I’m going to hear about it forever.… more
Acquired the boxer’s dose somewhere in the late huns and to this day still. Out for a drink after one bloodied the other and in come the bar dame with a sawed-off smile. You, on the other side, shouted Rodney’s punched up liver.… more
Lukas wasn’t talking to Jesus. He was thinking about words a straight boy would use to describe Amy’s boobs that he could later use with Mark. Melons? Knockers? A sack and a half of tits?… more
i am an aircraft-grade titanium eagle screeching the pledge of allegiance as i hurtle towards target at a mile per second (fuck the metric system)… more
When I was learning the multiplication tables one day, Ms. Brower came in to tell me they were sending my mother upstate. I thought that meant into the air, someplace in the clouds. As if what must happen to those in such mental trouble cannot be rendered here on the ground. Their state must be taken up.… more
There is no need for entertainment in this exercise. No mini marshmallows to ruin the cabbage. If there absolutely must be some action, killing the husband is always acceptable.… more
That last comment—just another film school fuck-up—had gotten under his skin. Who’d said that anyway? Maybe he’d said it. It wasn’t impossible to say things like that to yourself.… more
It takes Edgar three afternoons to clear the tiny plot behind the condemned school. Overgrown with ivy and blackberry, the ground is a minefield of used needles and condoms sagging under the sad weight of spent sperm. He fills boxes with shards of glass, stuffing mildewed blankets and sleeping bags on top. No one pays attention to the old man loading his truck.… more
This is what it felt like to be the first person whose sword is cracked in two by a metal slug, announcing the first hail of gunfire that demeans your fellow conquerors into an Oh-those-poor-bastards of a footnote.… more
Rather than someone she’d slept with during orientation, and twice more their first semester, he was now the kid brother she’d give life advice and hand-me-down Looney Tunes sweatshirts to.… more