Writer: Chloe N. Clark

Bump the Cutter

Bump the Cutter


You could feel it in the air, like the smell of ash. I’d sat down next to Coach and asked him what piece I was. He didn’t even hesitate, or ask what I was talking about.more

Bounce Pass

Bounce Pass


He laughed. “Did you know there’s a better chance of becoming a pro-baller than there is of becoming an astronaut?”

I let out a huff of air. “You glad you went pro instead?”

He didn’t answer, so I turned to him. He stared at the water, shaking his head, some play he didn’t make bouncing across his mind.more

Dropping Dimes

Dropping Dimes


There was barely anyone on the highway. Tony felt it was a mixed blessing: he wanted to need to pay attention, to not think about things other than working within the flow of traffic, but he also wanted to get there quickly. He remembered something a teammate, Liam, had once told him: to be good,more