Tag Archives: Therapy

Sweet Sugary Trauma

Sweet Sugary Trauma


To the woman, the cookie clearly represented a cookie. It was not a metaphor or simile or allegory. The woman had never thought about cookies having a deeper meaning. But she dug deeper. She settled into her chair. She furrowed her brow. The gears turned and the chains flowed. Eventually, in a somewhat confused voice, she spoke. more

Real Men Don’t Hit Their Wives

Real Men Don’t Hit Their Wives


Lewis relishes, slightly and mischievously, the young couple’s naïve discourse about bridesmaids and flower centerpieces, as if it all means something. They are blissfully unaware of the inevitable mutual loathing that plagues all marriages.

She’s your problem now, Benny-boy. Enjoy paying for Amazon deliveries the rest of your life.more

Communication with Distant Life Forms

Communication with Distant Life Forms


Gerald holds the picture of his aliens from the top, walking it around the circle of chairs and showing it to the other members of the support group.more