Tag Archives: Mystery

The Way of Fire

The Way of Fire


Bacon spat grease from the griddle when Alice first got word of the arsonist.more

One Bird In-Hand is Worth Ten in the Bush

One Bird In-Hand is Worth Ten in the Bush


My grandma was glaring at Trixie’s fixings willing her to lie in the neat bed she’d made. Pearl was lying on her back with that piece of wood in her mouth. She was dusty and had her straw bedding stuck to her in small patches, some on her underbelly. All of her paws were outstretched to the sky. She was letting the piece of wood fall from her mouth and recatching it. Trixie’s phone was face-up flat on the dining table. The phone rang and we all looked to her expecting it to be Croker. Trixie quickly silenced it. more

Sometimes The Air Stills

Sometimes The Air Stills


A boy under the cancerous spell of his abusive father. A town under the deprived grip of misogyny and violence. Both stunted and silenced with fear.more

Many Ways to Find Out

Many Ways to Find Out


I might have let timidity be my guide had Hannie not started in with her Saturday sojourns. She just started disappearing. I would be in the backyard mowing the lawn or moving boxes into the attic. I would return to the kitchen for something or to make lunch and she would be gone.more

Paradise Island

Paradise Island


Sometimes instinct is more powerful than evidence.more