Tag Archives: Guilt

My Girlfriend

My Girlfriend


My girlfriend has more money than I will make in my entire lifetime–one hundred lives. She’s ambitious and self-made. The handbag boutique, which bears her name in New York, Tokyo and Milan, sold for $45 million. That’s a lot of money, but not enough money to get someone killed and get away with it. Not that she wants someone killed—just saying.more

Three Fishermen

Three Fishermen


He was jealous of them, of the immigrants, of their boldness, their adventures, but he wouldn’t admit it, and he looked at them and they looked at him, and the space in-between was trapped in guilt, his and theirs.more

The Time Lassie Let One of the Boys Die

The Time Lassie Let One of the Boys Die


One afternoon, the summer before I started junior high, I left my younger brother to die frozen and alone in the English countryside. I’m speaking metaphorically, of course. The nature of this metaphor will become clear to you very soon. Not metaphorically, my younger brother and I rode our bikes to the local Aldi grocerymore

BULLshot: Cully Perlman

BULLshot: Cully Perlman


Mothers and guilt: thoughts from the author of “A Three Legged Table”more