Tag Archives: Grief

Unbearable Burden of Being

Unbearable Burden of Being


I am bad at killing myself. When you are unsuccessful at suicide some people say you really just want attention or that it’s a cry for help. But really, sometimes you just suck at it.more

The Fairchild

The Fairchild


The guys have always given me shit for being good with the ladies, nicknaming me Old Yeller because I’m a stray, which is the only thing they think I could have on them. They say I milk the orphan thing, get the honeys to feel sorry for me.
“Carnage, anyone?” asked Dina as she approached with the Fairchild’s remnants.
or your choicemore

Obituary for a Poet Heretic

Obituary for a Poet Heretic


“My father was a surgeon, a shaman and a greyhound. A runner in his youth, he thought little of exercise and called himself a cultured couch potato. As a doctor he loved each patient and included them in what he called prayersmore