Tag Archives: Fantasy

The Well of Hidden Dreams

The Well of Hidden Dreams


What had followed was a cycle, an expulsion of amassed pain. It could not be dispelled nor evaporated, it had to be unleashed the way clouds poured the rains they harbored, rather than condensed into the buried recesses of wells. Despite her sins, she has suffered plenty.more

The Genie

The Genie


Jesus, I thought. Treasure. Real treasure. I didn’t say a word to the neighbor kid. All I thought about was his snot hands and my lamp. I knew what I had to do. I picked up a clump of dirt, and I thew it at his head.more

The Collected Letters of Gerald Kingsley

The Collected Letters of Gerald Kingsley


“We work face-to-face, cheek against cheek, arms wrapped around the other’s waist with our hands dipped into reinforced polymer glovesmore