Tag Archives: Cigarettes

Sunspots on a Calendar Week

Sunspots on a Calendar Week


When you see two people fucking, with a capital F—really sharing the spoils the way it should be—who cares if the Company has gathered at three o’clock on a Monday to hear the top dog give his all-hands spiel? You look, godammit, and you probably laugh. That’s the human thing to do.more

Clove Cigarettes Are the Fountain of Youth (If they Don’t Kill You First)

Clove Cigarettes Are the Fountain of Youth (If they Don’t Kill You First)


If I remember correctly (and who can remember anything anymore) I smoked my first cigarette on the lawn of a church down the street from the school gym, after escaping the insufferable first dance of 9th grade, when I decided that school dances were lame and I’d rather be doing cool shit.more