Tag Archives: Asexuality

Darling Dre

Darling Dre


Even the schlubbiest bartenders get shameless solicitations when their patrons are properly lubricated; fucking a bartender topped so many bucket lists. My mere existence as a six-foot-two dude who can make a simple old-fashioned bumps me higher on a stranger’s “fuck-it” list even though I have to be the least horny bachelor in Brooklyn.more

Nemluvím Cesky

Nemluvím Cesky


When they were dating, Tomáš chatted endlessly about all the Americans and Brits and Aussies he had befriended online over the family computer in his adolescence. He talked about how many of them disappeared completely, leaving behind only the legacy of their grammars and vocabularies; the composite parts he fashioned into fluency. Tomáš was an amalgamation of all things. And she forgave his forgetfulness because his memory worked like his control of Czech, English, Russian, so languid and free, until it would suddenly freeze, where a clever synthesis perched on the tip of his tongue. In these moments there was an intellectual bent to his stoppage, watching his brain scour the vast traffic of networks for one more piece of something to share with her. And when he found it, it came out as a hiccup-sized yawp.more