Her virginity, such a fetishized thing when I had known her, something proudly and literally brandished had now become how so many others, including myself, had regarded our virginity: cumbersome, something to divest.… more
Her virginity, such a fetishized thing when I had known her, something proudly and literally brandished had now become how so many others, including myself, had regarded our virginity: cumbersome, something to divest.… more
At the end there, we couldn’t stop talking about Kamikazes. … more
Just look at the low-life characters in all those books you’ve published. There’s Tom, a commitment-phobic who sees women as disposable pleasures. There’s Pomeroy, a raunchy oaf with no more finesse than a caveman. And Sam the Poontang man—my god. Just his name says it all.… more
We danced on that empty dance floor, and she grinded her luscious hips onto mine and I fell in love–not the cheap tawdry version but the pinnacle of idealization. Love, after all, involved misunderstandings and messy endings, and now, I loved this woman how I wanted to love all women!… more
So Bob knew that some people would give a groan or roll their eyes when they saw the t-shirt, but he wasn’t quite prepared for the frowns and headshakes that he got when he got off the elevator and headed to his desk. There was a lot of muttering, too. Bob started to feel uncomfortable, not casual at all, because he wasn’t sure what the source of everyone’s disdain was. Eventually, Jesse stopped by his desk. Quietly, Jesse said, “Dude, you didn’t see the headlines?”
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My father died of heart failure the same Chinese New Year girls began to draw my eye instead of ire. I wasn’t present for his death but figured it even since he wasn’t present for my life.… more
Paul had pointed out my mother’s belongings to her when we first arrived—her needlepoint pillowcases, her porcelain figurines. I couldn’t say if she’d been fooled, but I wasn’t. When we got outside, it was a relief to breathe fresh air.… more
The daughter was an anxious thing. She thought ghosts with massive cocks lived in her shower. She didn’t know how sex worked. An older boy down the street kissed her. She thought this made her pregnant. She thought she’d been had.… more
Philosophers wonder about the tree that falls in the forest with no one around to hear it, but writers carry their own dilemma–mainly, is a story still a story if you never share it? I thought about this in the years that followed. Aside from being an alcoholic and working one worthless job after another, thinking was about all I could manage during those years.… more