Stripe-tailed with downy head plumage, amphibian up to ankles—truncated by Reorganized Latter Day Saint knicker flannel, she claw-writes ambidextrous each time the thunder comes. They published her without knowledge—just the way she prefers.… more
Stripe-tailed with downy head plumage, amphibian up to ankles—truncated by Reorganized Latter Day Saint knicker flannel, she claw-writes ambidextrous each time the thunder comes. They published her without knowledge—just the way she prefers.… more
Mr. Davis hadn’t known that a penis could fracture, yet when the young lady in scrubs with the ultrasound machine pressed the tip of the probe into the crooked purple eggplant between his legs and declared “Yup, it’s fractured,” he knew his life would never be the same.… more
By the time I was facing her, she was facing me. She saw it. Eddie saw it. Hell, even the DJ saw it. My expression reflected my shock. I stood there before her, before them all, my hand down my pants. I couldn’t believe it. In shock. In the apocalypse. I couldn’t believe what she did next either.… more
You could feel it in the air, like the smell of ash. I’d sat down next to Coach and asked him what piece I was. He didn’t even hesitate, or ask what I was talking about.… more
When Sarah first started working at McDonald’s as a teenager, she had tried to tell her father what it was really like, how bad, and her father, who was white-haired and bitter even then, after her mother, sick of his misery, had left him, had said, “You think you got it hard? You just look at me. When you got my problems, then you can complain, understand?”… more
CAT 272D coming in hot with a birch for the trim of a dental office. This thing moves like she’s on fire, gets up to a mile an hour, everyone checking out the skid steers. With her blade off, she’s a beauty—bumble-yellow, and me standing in the hatch, pushing the lever as far as she… more
We are Vikings. Tonight we raid. We feast and drink and pillage, of course. Descend upon this city like a scourge of locusts. Vikings! Fearsome! Regard our helms. Yes, we recognize the historical inaccuracy of the horns.… more
I had trouble cutting off the heads so they kicked me out of the program. That’s what you want to know, right? I mean, why else does a grad student in biology end up mopping floors at a mountainside observatory? It certainly isn’t the salary.… more