Jacob Under God

I struggled under his weight and felt his hardened muscles press into mine. I let out a long breath. Here we were. Just two almost-men molded and shaped and starved for this moment, to trade nasty heat and fear and fury.Continue Reading

Dry Rot

The wind seemed to grow colder. John’s breath was held. He stayed entirely still, unmoving even at the will of the thankless, dry gale. In a jagged clash of metal against snake leather, the snake was stopped short.Continue Reading


He was face and body down on a hard surface. Was Heaven hard? More likely Hell. He had no clear vision. Thought that in the afterlife he would at least get good eyesight back but all he could see and not focus on, as normal, were grey shapes. He should have left all of that behind.Continue Reading

The Periphery of Stars

“That what you do? Travel from gig to gig, an imposter? Impersonator? What for?”
I bring magic, I think.Continue Reading


I’m going to omit some of this man’s fuckings and fucks, which will certainly diminish and change the nature of his invective, but I have some hopes of getting this published in a magazine—I might even get my money back—and no editor is going to publish it if every other word is fuck.Continue Reading


Freezing under those blinding stars, walking on a gravel road in the middle of BFE Kansas, dead deer remains all over me, I wonder how my life has come to this moment. Mom had warned me. She’d said, “Be careful with that boy, he could have a dark side to him. Probably does. Most do.”Continue Reading


Ms. Amy didn’t even know why she was sayin all that to our English class. But we knew what she meant by it. At least, I did. She was just feeling happy how her daddy loved her for whatever reason. That was it. And she was trying to tell us about that love and about not getting hooked on any kind of substances, and she was trying to say we can win our battles sometimes, if we keep showin up.Continue Reading

Inventory of Annoyance

Fuck man, I didn’t even have my tobacco. I was about to rawdog this meeting, no phone, no tobacco, though I did have the faint taste of the marijuana edible I ate earlier. This was a problem, see, often I would get too high, because I would take one edible, forget I had taken the edible, and then take another, and this would go on until I had no edibles, because, I would forget I had taken the edible. Rawdog no more, I thought as I entered the meeting.Continue Reading


When you’re battling addiction, they teach you not to share war stories—to not live in those because they feed the worst parts of ourselves. I’ve never walked the twelve steps so it became easier to live in the worst of it than work the shovel to get out of it. It became so easy to hate.Continue Reading

A.M. Pigskin

Life is a hollow horse, but riding it hurts. I’ve considered other ways of living, but I’ve grown accustomed to the junk mail. It reminds me that although I’ve been nudged to the margins, I’m still part of the world.Continue Reading