Catholic, Jewish, Mormon, or Muslim–boys will be boys.… more
Catholic, Jewish, Mormon, or Muslim–boys will be boys.… more
Things that go hand and hand – like professional wrestling and pornography.… more
The German-language existentialist finds that his work is deeply misunderstood…… more
“He was aware of the physical world, but from a distance, as if he had plunged into a deep hole. He no longer conceived of either his hand or the receiver; he only sensed, wordlessly, that a distant part of himself stood in contact with an object, and that object should be used for destruction.… more
“Beer Bob is my go-to Bob, my everyday Bob. He’ll come over and we’ll drink a beer. He’s also Working Bob—meaning really working, not just farting around on the computer… more
The author of “The Collected Letters of Gerald Kingsley” talks about the story’s development… more
“There was a bunch of guys sitting around and getting drunk. It was like a party. Two of these guys get to roughhousing in the yard. One of the men falls and hits his head on a cinder block… more